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Lothar Guderian lives and works in Germany and Monaco
born in Koethen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
study of sports in Munich
pilot in training, occupation as pilot
opening an art shop in Dusseldorf
presenter at RTL Radio
presenter at WDR Television
2000 – today
started working with paper and cardboard
The generic term which could be used to categorise my work ist “concrete art”. But what exactly is “concrete art”?
The term can be traced back to the “Art Concret” art group founded by Dutch painter Theo van Doesberg. A fellow comrade-in-arms was Piet Mondrian. That was in the year 1917.
What was this group all about?
The main concern of the group was absolute clarity, getting away from representational and naturalistic material.
Van Doesberg’s concern was to unify art and life – an approach which is also veryimportant to me.
COMPLEXITY – these days, everything is interwoven. The lovely word “globalisation” isthe evidence of one reality of our age. And, when I use packaging and advertising materialmade of cardboard – which would normally end up in the bin – to make pictorial objects,then that plays a significant role not only in environmental consciousness but also, and inparticular, in encountering other cultures.
My raw material usually has undergone a long journey before it gets turned into art: It comes from Europe, Asia, Arabic and other countries.
Van Doesberg believed that the creative spirit could not be represented by abstract objects– and most definitely not be represented figuratively.
With my works – especially the white ones – I keep true this claim.
The purely plastic basic elements are constructed; a certain order is applied and intended. Light and shadow are integrated into an aesthetic pictorial world in which planes (flat areas of colour) and space find come together in a harmonious balance.
In an age in which we are flooded with visual stimuli – even to the point of being aggressively besieged by them – I would like to invite you to come on a new visual journey.
– Lothar Guderian

et al.
8e Salon International de l’Art Contemporain (Marseille, France)
fiftyfifty-Galerie (Duesseldorf, Germany)
A heart for UNICEF Recycling Designaward 2007 (Herford, Germany)
Große Kunstaustellung (Halle (Saale), Germany)
32. Salon International Art Contemporains (Revin, France)
Salon International des Artistes Art Contemporains (St. Tropez, France)